Well...Macy turned the big 4 last week, so I thought I would devote a post to her and her big day. We had a cooking party where the kiddo's cooked their own pizzas, made salad on a stick, and frosted cupcakes galore. We also played a couple of games and made personalized place mats. It was tons of fun but tons of work. Being a little "over the top" like I tend to be, I decided to make personalized aprons that were cute but not fun to be doing hours before the party started.
Funny things about Macy:
*Macy has OCD issues when it comes to "toe fuzzies". She is constantly checking between her toes and Brinley's for lint.
*She loves to wear makeup...on her forehead. I think that she thinks she is putting it on her eyelids but is missing the mark.
*She loves to cook and wishes she could do it all by herself. The other day she said to me, "I can't wait until I'm 10, so I can use a sharp knife. I want to cut!"
*Macy has a bionic nose and bionic ears. She can sniff out treats in the tallest cupboard or hear our pantry door open from the neighbor's house.
*She is soooo sneaky. Just yesterday, I was missing sick little Brinley's bottle of apple juice. I searched all of the usual places and finally found it in her play house....empty.
*One more sneaky (and unfortunately destructive) thing. I had made 2 Texas Sheetcakes for our YW's New Beginnings Program. Just as I was packing up my gear and heading out the door, I noticed finger tracks not only in the frosting but digging into the cake...the entire cake! I didn't even have to ask who the responsible party was. Matt had noticed about an hour earlier and Macy told him that I had done it. Why would I destroy my own cake? The funny thing is is that he believed her. Love is blind.
*Wants to change her name to Gabriella Montez when she turns 18.
*The other day I was singing, "I'm so glad when Daddy comes home" for her bedtime song. When I came to the last word I stopped singing, so she could fill in the blank. Me: "A great big"
Macy: "snug". How cute!
*Always good for a laugh.