We definitely have our ups and downs, but she is laugh out loud funny and a blessing to our family. For the record...
*She likes to put socks on her hands and call herself a princess.
*Here is a conversation she has multiple times a day with Matt...
*Here is a conversation she has multiple times a day with Matt...
-------Matt: You're goofy.
-------Brinley: (at mock speed) No, I not goofy, I Brinley.
*The other day I was buttoning up my pants and she sincerely said,"What-sa-matter? Your pants fall down?"
*Loves, loves, loves her cell phone and CTR ring.
*Her favorite church song is "Stars are Gleaming"
*Her favorite musician is Katy Perry. Nothing warms a mother's heart more than to hear her two year old singing about Daisy Dukes and Bikini's.
*She likes to eat with a "Foon".
Note: To close my case, she just put panties on her head again and got the leg hole stuck under her chin. The funny never ends.
NoteII: We have 4 little moms in this house, so I'm often heard saying..."you're not the mom" to one of my children. On Tuesday (Jan. 25th), Brinley said,"I'm not the mom, I Brinley."