Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Labor Day Hike-o-rama

We stayed in town for Labor Day and decided to do a local hike that we had never done before. It's called the Helen Hunt Falls Hike (no relation to the actress Helen Hunt). It was short and sweet. The girls were a little disappointed that they weren't allowed to wade in the stream but soon discovered that playing with rocks could be just as fun. After the hike we went to the "America the Beautiful Park". It has a huge playground and water fountain that unfortunately doesn't allow wading either. The evening was cut a little short because poor Paige had to go potty and didn't want to use the restrooms there. (She has an issue with loud toilets, funny kid). We came home and ate cereal for dinner. The kids were in heaven, but Matt was a little disappointed. I think he was expecting a traditional Labor Day BBQ, but no....we're having Raisin Bran!!!

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