Macy has been so bored without her older sisters to entertain her that she has been crashing in the oddest places. She is constantly asking when her "guys" are going to come home from school.
She is the funniest kid, though. A couple of weeks ago, we had a craft day at our church. As I was leaving, I gave the girls (and Matt) my "don't trash the house while I'm gone" speech. She turned to me and said, "How 'bout I put fire on it?" I think we'd better keep a close eye on this kid.
welcome to the bloggersphere! Fire? Ya, I would keep an eye on her too! :) Hope all is well.
Do you know how excited I am that you started a blog? Well, pretty excited. Now maybe you'll at least get some comments from me since I don't send many emails lately! Look at that Paige! And all of them - so grown-up. Well, except Brinley, she's not so grown-up. I'm excited to see pictures and hear more about life at the Hansen's.
Keri, you're already a pro at bloggin'. This is awesome.
Keri...I just happened upon your name on Cindy's blog...haven't seen you since Utah State...Saw your mom at our wedding...Cute girls you have there...Lynnette
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