Brinley's "First Christmas" Photoshoot

The Hansen Girl's Nativity (our Baby Jesus wasn't silent)

Our traditional "top of the stairs Christmas morning" picture

"Holiday Hottie"
Happy (belated) Holidays everyone! I know it's cliche but .... it really is the "most wonderful time of the year"! We were able to spend Christmas Day in Colorado Springs and the rest of the vacation in SLC, Heyburn, Logan, Soda Springs, and Bear Lake. Lots of packing and unpacking and repacking, but it was sooooo worth it. We were blessed to attend my nephew's farewell (look out Indiana!) and see a nephew who just returned from Costa Rica. It's hard for me to believe that I have nephews who are old enough to be missionaries, but I'm glad that I do. I know they think I'm the crazy aunt, but I just want to squeeze em'. Anyway, we hope that we're able to see more of you the next time we grace Utah and Idaho, because we luv you all!