Little Brinley turned 1 this summer, so I decided save some cash (and anxiety) and take her out on a homemade photoshot with mom. I wish I could say that she loved every minute of it and was more than cooperative, but she wasn't. My big goal was to get one adorable picture of her in the flowers, but instead she is wailing. I was disappointed at first, but now the crying picture is my favorite. Mom doesn't always know best.
Here are the updates on Brinley...
*She has just started to really say words. She says mama, dad, bow (ball), hi, bye, hot, teeth, tickle, quack, oh oh (woof woof), up up up, and dinky dinky dink (lyrics to her favorite song), and kind of an amen at the end of our family prayer.
*She also blows on her hot food, says shhhh when it's time to be quiet, blows kisses with with the back side of her hand, loves to click her tongue and spit, and pretends to read books out loud.
*She gets most excited when her sisters leave for school. It's become quite a ritual to wave bye bye and scream as they head up the street.
*She's got some moves. She is a expert at twirling, stomping, and bobbing to the beat.
*She's our human garbage disposal...she will eat anything.
*She is also very regular, if you know what I mean.