Note: I originally started writing this post in April, but got gave up when I experienced technical difficulties. I wanted to post her baptism video, and even though all my ducks seem to line up, I still can't get it to work. So anyway... here is my April post in June...minus the video. I'm having blogging issues today...what is up with the spacing?
It seems as though we have been celebrating Paige's birthday for an entire month. She turned eight on March 27th, was baptized on April 9th, had a b-day party April 15th, and just spent the last of the $$$ from her gift cards a couple of days ago. Here are some of the highlights...
Here she is glowing in her baptism dress. We were lucky enough to go to Logan (for Katie's wedding) the week before she was baptized and take pics of her at the ole alma mater and the temple.
I let Paige pick out her dress (with a little bit of direction), and I think she did a great job. It was a little painful ruling out all of the bedazzled dresses, but it was worth it in the end.
Baptism day with G-pa and G-ma Anderson
G-pa, Sue, Adam, Debbie, Abbey, and our fam
Here Paige is with her hilarious friends. I never thought I would throw a hamster party, but I did it, and it was awesome! I'll have to post my tutorial for making hamster beds and bedding, so you won't have to reinvent the wheel for your next hamster party. Stay tuned.
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