My memory is not what it used to be, so I'm going to hurry and jot down a conversation that happened during lunch today.
Paige: (said something witty, that I have already forgotten)
Matt: You're quite a Smart "A"! (Note: He really said the letter "A", though still inappropriate).
Paige: No, I should be a Smart "P".
Avery: Yeah, I'm a Smart "A".
Got to love these special family moments!
Saturday, November 20, 2010
Monday, November 1, 2010
Boo "Who"!!!
Not many things beat kids and their love of Halloween. I have had so many memories swimming through my head this week that I thought I'd take a moment and share. (Note: Every memory involves by eternal friend...Cindy. We had a great run together!)
Memory #1: I was in third grade, and we had a Halloween school carnival. Karen Christenson was running the cakewalk. She was my friend's mom, so she let us hop in (for free) whenever there were some open squares. Needless to say, I won! I picked out a prize that was actually two cakes. I was so excited that I could have one and my friend could have the other, that I failed to notice that the frosted "cakes" were shaped like loaves of bread. When we finally got back to her house, we sliced them open only to find fruit cake. Who donates fruit cake to a school cakewalk? Probably a "fruitcake".
Memory #2: When it came to costumes as a kid, I think I was on my own for the most part. When I was in 4th grade, Cindy and I were brainstorming and came up with the idea of being "Old Granny Racecar Drivers". We wore wigs, motorcycle helmets, granny clothes, and made ourselves a cardboard car to cruise around in. We were the hit of Heyburn Elementary. (This is where I came up with the "slug bug" idea. I tried to get them to wear motorcycyle helmets and grandma wigs, but they both declined my offer.)
Memory #3: One year, there was a rumor going around that there were devil worshippers in the area looking for blonde/blue eyed girls to sacrifice. I was in the clear, but Cindy was about as blonde and blue eyed as a girl can get. We were out making the candy rounds and a guy in a mask started to approach us. We were convinced that it had to be a devil worshipper coming for Cindy. We ran for our lives until we found a safe haven in a ward member's home. Come to find out it was the bishop's son who I think was about 30. Creepy!
Memory #4: Back in the 80's, candy was not given out in abundance like it is today. When a house had the "goods", everyone knew it. Anyway, there was a scouting report out that a family we knew was giving out popcorn balls. I was sure I knew where the house was, but Cindy was sure it was another house. Cindy was semi-related to this family, so I trusted her. We were SOOO tired after hitting the pavement for hours but decided that walking a few blocks for a popcorn ball was worth it. Come to find out, it wasn't the right house, and instead of getting an oversized popcorn ball, we got a tiny tootsie roll. I think we both wanted to cry.
You've gotta love Halloween!
Friday, August 27, 2010
Just some things about Avery....
*She loves to read. Her goal is to make her school's Battle of the Books team this year. They have to read and study 40 novels and then compete against other schools in a quiz bowl. Our school has won the past few years, so this is a really big deal.
*She plays the violin in the Colorado Springs Youth Symphony. She started playing when she was 7, and the only reason I let her start so young is that she used to pretend to play the violin when she was tiny, probably 2. She'd get out 2 spaghetti noodles, put one under her chin and move the other one across it like a bow.
*She has a great little memory. I love it when it comes to practicing spelling words but hate it when she remembers what a terrible mom I've been in the past.
*She's willing to try anything.
*She has a cute little singing voice.
*She is snuggly. She loves to nuzzle up to anyone who will sit still long enough. I worry about her being a teenager.
Sunday, August 22, 2010
Kali and Maka
Kali and Maka are our official Hawaiian names according to some PCC keychains. Cute, huh. Anyway, here are a few of our favorite spots in paradise.
Welcome to the Jungle. This was a little walk on the way down to Honolau Bay -- our favorite snorkeling spot.
Matt eating his Cheeseburger in Paradise. We ate at a handful of resturants that were RIGHT on the ocean. It was fun having waves splash into our drink water.
The black sand beach on the Road to Hana -- Beautiful!
The Olivine Pools - Yep, that's me braving a swim mini on my blog.
The Iao Needle
Sunday, June 20, 2010
Garett and Ashlie's Wedding
It is hard for me to believe that Garett is old enough to get married. I think I first met him when he was 7, before Matt and I were even dating. We couldn't be happier for him, though. He met a great girl, and they are an adorable couple. I have to admit that I was hoping that Garett would marry a "Cougar" (not the BYU kind but cougar meaning older woman). That way I wouldn't have to be the oldest sister-in-law. I have age issues. Honestly, I am excited to have Ashlie be part of our family, and are happy for the new life they are starting together.
If you like Pina Coladas...
If you like Pina Coladas and getting caught in the rain, you would have loved Brin's birthday. I planned a pool party, but it was rained out. We had to wait couple of days post-birthday to whip out the pool, but we still had a great time. When she saw her cake she said, "Ew, funny." She also sang the whole b-day song with the "cha cha chas" at the end. Avery tried to give her a candle to lick, and she put the wick side in her mouth. Never a dull moment.
2 is such a fun/funny age. Even when she is being naughty, we can't help smiling at her. These are some little things that keep us laughing...
*She has to get in my bed the second after I get done making it. She loves to be snuggly.
*She just started saying, "No, I don't want to." I think this was her first real sentence.
*She likes the word AWESOME. She's very hip.
*She loves to eat NeeNaws (bananas) and Crackers. She would eat them all day if I would let her.
*She is adorable when she's about to take a nap and says, "Night, night. Love you!"
*She is a hoarder. She wants to take everything she sees to bed with her. I have to slowly sneak things out so there is room for her to lay down.
*She likes to shower with her big sisters and has just figured out how to take off her clothes and diaper.
*She loves to sing "Happy Family", "Moon Moon Moon", and "ABC's".
*Matt gave her a shoulder rub the other day and she said, "Tickle Me."
*She really sees the sense of humor of things and will call them funny.
*She has to climb up on the dining room table every time she is done eating. I think she does this, so we will put her down on the ground. We need to work on her manners.
*Absolutely hates having her teeth brushed. Even Dr. Matt has a hard time getting her to open up.
Tuesday, June 8, 2010
Paige, Paige, Paige of the Jungle
This post is LONG (with a capital L-O-N-and G) overdue. Yes, Paige turned seven over 2 whole months ago, but she still deserves her own post. Her b-day was during Spring Break, so we spent a weekend of fun in sunny Denver. Alright, it wasn't sunny, but it was still nice to get away. We went to the Aquarium, Rodizio's Brazillian BBQ (Paige's (and Matt's) favorite), and Jungle Quest (a super fun play place with rockwalls, rope swings, and ziplines). We also stayed at a hotel with a mongo TV--Paige (wink wink) was very excited to keep up on all of her March Madness games. It was a fun weekend with our fun little 7 year old.
Tuesday, April 13, 2010
Wednesday, March 24, 2010
What's Cookin'?
It wasn't meant to be this way but my b-day ended up being cooking themed. Matt had to work the whole day, so the girls and I partied it up while he was gone. OK, it wasn't much of a party...we made dessert, cleaned the kitchen, and watched "Julie & Julia". Avery's card even talked about cooking. She said. "Mom, oh Mom, Of all the things U do for me, I love your caring heart the most. Maybe your cooking." I'm so confused, am I a good cook or not? I know I shouldn't look into things too deeply, but one kid thinks I'm great, one doesn't . I just asked Macy to break the tie and she said, "I like some and I like some not." It looks like the vote is Even Steven, so I guess I'll never know. One more question...What does it mean when your husband buys you workout clothes???
Saturday, March 13, 2010
Look Who's 5!!!
Well, kiddo number 3 has turned the big 5! We started the day with Fruit Loops for breakfast. It amazes me that a $2 box of cereal can bring so much joy. Macy didn't have an official party this year, but we did take all of her friends to McDonald's after preschool to help kill time during the day (Matt and Avery weren't going to be home until 7 that night, and I knew the wait would be brutal if we didn't do something). We had pancakes, strawberries, and sausage for dinner. She was hoping to have rootbeer to drink but decided against it because she didn't want to burp. What a lady. She settled for apple juice instead. Her big gift was MarioKart for the Wii. The girls have been playing it every spare moment they've had. Today when we were coming home from the Y, Macy said,"I'm going to run to the Wii when I get home, but first I'll have to wash my hands. Mom, can I have the hand sanitizer?" (My kids love it when they don't have to wash their hands when they get home. I'm a hand washing Nazi).
Macy told me that being 5 means she is ready to go to Kindergarten. It's hard for me to believe that she is as big as she is. It seems like only yesterday she was eating hail with a spoon and falling asleep at our front door while waiting for me to come home. Sunrise, Sunset. Let the countdown to 6 begin.
Tuesday, February 16, 2010
Stockton 'n Malone
We decided to give BB a go this season, and it has been pretty fun. I'm really enjoying having our girls on an INDOOR sports team. Soccer in Colorado is brutal. Unfortunately, Avery and Paige are both the team shorties. It makes sense, tall people put their tall children in BB leagues. Matt told Paige that she is going to be a great "point guard". She told him, "but I didn't make any points." The only downside we've experienced is a team that Avery has to play a lot. They don't have many teams in her league, so we are going to face this very stacked team over and over. These girls have sports glasses and are pivoting all over the place. It is crazy. I think the last time we played them the score was 30-2, and we weren't the 30.
Tuesday, January 12, 2010
Holiday Happenings
Here are some random holiday pics for your viewing enjoyment.
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